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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Asia 6th Birthday

Our conversation this morning...

"Happy Birthday sweetie!"

(her eyes light up and she has the biggest smile on her face)

"am I 6 Right now?"

"yes baby, Right now!"

(her mouth drops open and her eyes get big)

"Oh... my... Good....ness.. (she pauses as she takes it all in)....I can't believe it. "

"me either sweetie... your growing up on me."

(she smiles wide and says with pride....)

"I know.. cause I'm 6 "


Yes you are sweetie... and I can't believe it either...our sweet baby girl is 6 today...who pushed the fast forward button?

God knew so well what we needed when He gave you to us.. You are silly, dramatic, talkative, confident, beautiful....and the sweetest/nicest kid on the block. I just want to bottle up your soul...is that possible?

There are days that I loose myself in your eyes and wonder how you became the person you are today.. you are everything I was not at your age...you are unique...uniquely, you. =)

As we were out picking up your Birthday cake today... you, as always, asked me to put on your song.. it's funny, but your new favorites right now are the first two songs off of Seals new soul CD...."A change is gonna come" and "I can't stand the rain" =) You make my heart fill with such joy when I look in the rear view mirrow and see you swaying and singing along...and might I add, not quietly... lol...you give it everything you've got..you put all your heart and soul into it. =)

I tear up and smile at your freedom, your innocence, your honesty. You are amazing...don't ever let anyone tell you differently. We love you baby...Happy birthday!

Forever & ever yours...Mommy & Daddy =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really beautiful. She really has been uniquely wonderful since the first day she burst into this world. Her name, her timing, God and her mommy has given this to her.